Dental Aesthetics
As well, if the patient has some other concerns or questions about the aesthetics added to solving the problems of dental health we help in any decisions by explaining in detail de pros and cons of each step in the treatment.
SOLUTIONS in mild cases. Minimally Invasive Dentistry.
If the front teeth area has been minimally affected the dental surface can be rehabilitated by porcelain veneers or laminates (truly porcelain nails) that have a minimal thickness and are fully made in the dental laboratory. And with them we obtain the best aesthetics results in modern odontology.
Old feldspathic veneers and a metal-porcelain crown
New feldspathic veneers and a e.max lithiumdisilicate crown
To solve more advanced or serious dental injuries (partial or complete crowns) and within the umbrella of aesthetic protheses we offer the patient the option to reconstruct those teeth with the latest in CAD-CAM technology (computer assisted design - computer assisted manufacturing) the most innovative technique in fixed prothesis and odontological rehabilitations, extremely precise and of the highest quality associated with maximum resistance and an important advance in conventional odontology.
Partial or complete crowns of ceramic made of lithium disilicates IPS e.max of Ivoclar Vivadent.
Old metal-ceramic crowns
e.max lithiumdisilicate crowns
Upper front teeth with multiple fillings
e.max lithium disilicate crowns
Four worn teeth
Four feldspathic veneers
Four feldspathic veneers
Oral situation before treatment
Seven e.max crowns
View of the inside of the e.max crowns
Oral situation after treatment
Previous deconstructed front
Six e.max crowns
View of the inside of the e.max crowns
The six e.max crowns placed
End view of smiling
Upper e.max crowns
Premolar and molar e.max crowns
Upper frontal e.max crowns
Right side view
Left side view
General view
CAD-CAM technology in teeth darkened by tetracyclines
The new crowns replace old teeth veneers that where covering teeth darkned by tetracyclines. The explanation of the darkening of the teeth is as follows: Because of infectious problems some antibiotics called tetracyclines where administered to young children. These tetracyclines bind to circulating calcium in the blood and accompany it to the teeth and bones. As tetracyclines have a dark color, teeth get stained irreversibly. Today only tetracyclines are not administered to children.
Tetracycline stained teeth and treated once with feldspathic venners
Teeth with modern crowns
Tetracycline stained teeth
Teeth with modern crowns
CAD-CAM technology in large composite restorations
Large restorations of composite Lava Ultimate of 3M.
The teeth are badly eroded
The teeth are retouched to receive crowns LAVA
Complete LAVA overlays
The case concluded
The case concluded
Once placed the implants in the bone, we wait a reasonable time and then we placed the teeth using CAD-CAM technology. Metallic structures are manufacturated and porcelain or acrylic teeth are added on them. In our clinic we receive CAD-CAM structures to the manufacturer of our own implants (BTI in Vitoria, See and in other cases the company Createch Medical (see Link based in Mendaro, both leading researches in metalworking and precision.
Implant placed
View of separated stump and crown
View of fitted stump and crown
View of fitted stump and crown
Implant in its place
The stump with porcelain
The stump with porcelain
Front view of the crown on the implant
Rear view of the crown on the implant
Two implants
Two pieces bridge on two implants
Three implants
Three pieces bridge on three implants
Front view of porcelain teeth on multiple implants
Right side view of porcelain teeth on multiple implants
Left side view of porcelain teeth on multiple implants
Panoramic radiograph with all the implants
A bridge is the replacement of a tooth or several teeth carving the neighbours whom we shall call pillars, thus creating a block of all the pieces involved which may be from three to all the upper or lower denture.
They are structures of ceramic and metal or only ceramic in short spaces. They are fitted if the mouth does not possess a solid bone base to accept an implant (nowadays made very infrequent by the use of bone and gum grafts) and besides we must carve teeth that may be intact.
A metal-porcelain bridge of three pieces
Placed in the mouth
General Rehabilitation combining previous treatments.
Veneers, bridges on implants and metal-porcelain crowns
Veneers, bridges on implants and metal-porcelain crowns
Disorganized mouth with placed implants and poor hygiene
Case concluded with crowns on implants, e.max crowns and LAVA Ultimate composite
Old incorrectly adjusted and fractured crowns and bridges
Rehabilitation with e.max crowns, feldspathic veneers, metal-ceramic bridges and bridges on implants
Situation of the upper teeth before
Situation of the lower teeth before
Prostheses for the rehabilitation of the lower teeth
e.max crowns for upper right teeth
e.max placed in the mouth
LAVA Ultimate for molars and premolars
LAVA Ultimate and e.max on teeth
e.max placed on the lower anterior teeth
LAVA Ultimate placed in lower right premolars and molars
LAVA Ultimate placed in lower right premolars and molars
Metal-porcelain bridge in lower left posterior teeth
Left side in occlusion
Right side in occlusion
Upper skeletal
Upper skeletal
The end, with the upper skeletal placed in closed mouth
Open mouth
After, solved case